pure bliss...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

do you ever need a break from work?...yes I did!~ this trip has been a great way to unwind, slow down, take care of us.

break from camera over...I love love to get out and just shoot. Looking forward to some upcoming workshops/seminars while I'm here to re-charge, re-focus my creativity into a great 2012.

Today my lovely kidlets, with a bribe of going to the farm, were my sweet little models. We loaded up the van and headed to the Schneff farms in Queens creek AZ, we love this amazing little place. Animals, trains, peach trees, gardens and more...and its free! We showered, blow dry, curled and basically just got ready to set out on our little adventure. Grady was thrilled to be heading to the farm. He loves this place. while here before I was eager to come back with camera and check out all the nooks and cranny's of places to take photos. They did amazing my little models. Best part for me it got me excited again to get back behind the camera and create some memories... (**my Carrigan doesn't need any bribes...she loves to be in front of the camera~she picked her outfit and did her own hair~love her stylish self)
and yes to see the peach trees in bloom...they will have peaches in may:) so jealous...I love arizona!
Happy Sunday to all!

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