6 year old photoshoot!~CARRIGAN

Friday, May 27, 2011

she is the most confident, kindest, loving six year old girl I know...and she has style! A style all of her own. I've never been able to tell her what to wear...even if I buy her outfits she always mismatches them to make them her own. We've been wanting to do a 6 year photo shoot...well the weather has been soo cold and rainy. We decided to chance it tonight. Carrigan chose her outfits with various headbands (she loves her headbands!) We took an hour and went to various locations which she has been scouting out for a while...~a girl after my own heart!~  Yes she is wearing black and red boots!:) After this shoot she lost her other front tooth...so glad we captured this with at least one tooth. 
check out her boots! STYLE!

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