{celebrate} Miss C is 7

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bonne fete a toi
Bonne fete a toi,
Bonne fete a Carrigan
bonne fete a toi!

The sweet group of girls from school and lifetime friends!:) Thanks all for coming out to make Carrigan's party so fun!
 she is a girl after my own heart...above is her planning sheet for her party...she wasn't going to let me off easy this year. Kent said I've done it to myself by setting the bar high for parties. We celebrated her birthday day in between school, soccer and brownies with a family dinner out at BP's. This wasn't enough for my lovely lady. She wanted a party. Actually she wanted a sleepover with a few friends and a party. She had to choose just one. She chose a party. Barbie themed!
It turned out to be a lovely lovely warm sunny spring weekend. So we set up the party outdoors. It was great. Mani/pedi's in the sunshine. Fun with friends on our new trampoline.

Grady was quite concerned that boys weren't invited since she only had girls from her class. He asked Carrigan " are boys like me invited?" Of course she said. He wouldn't wear the outfit Carrigan chose for him...he preferred jeans and his surf shirt...a girl can try.
Boy oh boy I haven't blogged for a while....we must be busy!:) enjoying all the little moments these days along with some big projects, trips, weddings etc. I will catch up here soon. xo tam

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